Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
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"""Deposit actions."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import json
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial

from flask import Blueprint, abort, current_app, make_response, request, \
from invenio_db import db
from invenio_oauth2server import require_api_auth, require_oauth_scopes
from invenio_pidstore.errors import PIDInvalidAction
from invenio_records_rest.utils import obj_or_import_string
from invenio_records_rest.views import \
    create_error_handlers as records_rest_error_handlers
from invenio_records_rest.views import \
    create_url_rules as records_rest_url_rules
from invenio_records_rest.views import need_record_permission, pass_record
from invenio_rest import ContentNegotiatedMethodView
from invenio_rest.views import create_api_errorhandler
from webargs import fields
from webargs.flaskparser import use_kwargs
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename

from ..api import Deposit
from ..errors import FileAlreadyExists, WrongFile
from ..scopes import write_scope
from import DepositSearch
from ..signals import post_action
from ..utils import extract_actions_from_class

[docs]def create_error_handlers(blueprint): """Create error handlers on blueprint.""" blueprint.errorhandler(PIDInvalidAction)(create_api_errorhandler( status=403, message='Invalid action' )) records_rest_error_handlers(blueprint)
[docs]def create_blueprint(endpoints): """Create Invenio-Deposit-REST blueprint. See: :data:`invenio_deposit.config.DEPOSIT_REST_ENDPOINTS`. :param endpoints: List of endpoints configuration. :returns: The configured blueprint. """ blueprint = Blueprint( 'invenio_deposit_rest', __name__, url_prefix='', ) create_error_handlers(blueprint) for endpoint, options in (endpoints or {}).items(): options = deepcopy(options) if 'files_serializers' in options: files_serializers = options.get('files_serializers') files_serializers = {mime: obj_or_import_string(func) for mime, func in files_serializers.items()} del options['files_serializers'] else: files_serializers = {} if 'record_serializers' in options: serializers = options.get('record_serializers') serializers = {mime: obj_or_import_string(func) for mime, func in serializers.items()} else: serializers = {} file_list_route = options.pop( 'file_list_route', '{0}/files'.format(options['item_route']) ) file_item_route = options.pop( 'file_item_route', '{0}/files/<path:key>'.format(options['item_route']) ) options.setdefault('search_class', DepositSearch) search_class = obj_or_import_string(options['search_class']) # records rest endpoints will use the deposit class as record class options.setdefault('record_class', Deposit) record_class = obj_or_import_string(options['record_class']) # backward compatibility for indexer class options.setdefault('indexer_class', None) for rule in records_rest_url_rules(endpoint, **options): blueprint.add_url_rule(**rule) search_class_kwargs = {} if options.get('search_index'): search_class_kwargs['index'] = options['search_index'] if options.get('search_type'): search_class_kwargs['doc_type'] = options['search_type'] ctx = dict( read_permission_factory=obj_or_import_string( options.get('read_permission_factory_imp') ), create_permission_factory=obj_or_import_string( options.get('create_permission_factory_imp') ), update_permission_factory=obj_or_import_string( options.get('update_permission_factory_imp') ), delete_permission_factory=obj_or_import_string( options.get('delete_permission_factory_imp') ), record_class=record_class, search_class=partial(search_class, **search_class_kwargs), default_media_type=options.get('default_media_type'), ) deposit_actions = DepositActionResource.as_view( DepositActionResource.view_name.format(endpoint), serializers=serializers, pid_type=options['pid_type'], ctx=ctx, ) blueprint.add_url_rule( '{0}/actions/<any({1}):action>'.format( options['item_route'], ','.join(extract_actions_from_class(record_class)), ), view_func=deposit_actions, methods=['POST'], ) deposit_files = DepositFilesResource.as_view( DepositFilesResource.view_name.format(endpoint), serializers=files_serializers, pid_type=options['pid_type'], ctx=ctx, ) blueprint.add_url_rule( file_list_route, view_func=deposit_files, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT'], ) deposit_file = DepositFileResource.as_view( DepositFileResource.view_name.format(endpoint), serializers=files_serializers, pid_type=options['pid_type'], ctx=ctx, ) blueprint.add_url_rule( file_item_route, view_func=deposit_file, methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], ) return blueprint
[docs]class DepositActionResource(ContentNegotiatedMethodView): """Deposit action resource.""" view_name = '{0}_actions' def __init__(self, serializers, pid_type, ctx, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor.""" super(DepositActionResource, self).__init__( serializers, default_media_type=ctx.get('default_media_type'), *args, **kwargs ) for key, value in ctx.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @pass_record @need_record_permission('update_permission_factory')
[docs] def post(self, pid, record, action): """Handle deposit action. After the action is executed, a :class:`invenio_deposit.signals.post_action` signal is sent. Permission required: `update_permission_factory`. :param pid: Pid object (from url). :param record: Record object resolved from the pid. :param action: The action to execute. """ record = getattr(record, action)(pid=pid) db.session.commit() # Refresh the PID and record metadata db.session.refresh(pid) db.session.refresh(record.model) post_action.send(current_app._get_current_object(), action=action, pid=pid, deposit=record) response = self.make_response(pid, record, 202 if action == 'publish' else 201) endpoint = '.{0}_item'.format(pid.pid_type) location = url_for(endpoint, pid_value=pid.pid_value, _external=True) response.headers.extend(dict(Location=location)) return response
[docs]class DepositFilesResource(ContentNegotiatedMethodView): """Deposit files resource.""" view_name = '{0}_files' def __init__(self, serializers, pid_type, ctx, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor.""" super(DepositFilesResource, self).__init__( serializers, *args, **kwargs ) for key, value in ctx.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @pass_record @need_record_permission('read_permission_factory')
[docs] def get(self, pid, record): """Get files. Permission required: `read_permission_factory`. :param pid: Pid object (from url). :param record: Record object resolved from the pid. :returns: The files. """ return self.make_response(obj=record.files, pid=pid, record=record)
@require_api_auth() @require_oauth_scopes( @pass_record @need_record_permission('update_permission_factory')
[docs] def post(self, pid, record): """Handle POST deposit files. Permission required: `update_permission_factory`. :param pid: Pid object (from url). :param record: Record object resolved from the pid. """ # load the file uploaded_file = request.files['file'] # file name key = secure_filename( request.form.get('name') or uploaded_file.filename ) # check if already exists a file with this name if key in record.files: raise FileAlreadyExists() # add it to the deposit record.files[key] = record.commit() db.session.commit() return self.make_response( obj=record.files[key].obj, pid=pid, record=record, status=201)
@require_api_auth() @require_oauth_scopes( @pass_record @need_record_permission('update_permission_factory')
[docs] def put(self, pid, record): """Handle the sort of the files through the PUT deposit files. Expected input in body PUT: .. code-block:: javascript [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }, ... } Permission required: `update_permission_factory`. :param pid: Pid object (from url). :param record: Record object resolved from the pid. :returns: The files. """ try: ids = [data['id'] for data in json.loads('utf-8'))] except KeyError: raise WrongFile() record.files.sort_by(*ids) record.commit() db.session.commit() return self.make_response(obj=record.files, pid=pid, record=record)
[docs]class DepositFileResource(ContentNegotiatedMethodView): """Deposit files resource.""" view_name = '{0}_file' get_args = dict( version_id=fields.UUID( location='headers', load_from='version_id', ), ) """GET query arguments.""" def __init__(self, serializers, pid_type, ctx, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor.""" super(DepositFileResource, self).__init__( serializers, *args, **kwargs ) for key, value in ctx.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @use_kwargs(get_args) @pass_record @need_record_permission('read_permission_factory')
[docs] def get(self, pid, record, key, version_id, **kwargs): """Get file. Permission required: `read_permission_factory`. :param pid: Pid object (from url). :param record: Record object resolved from the pid. :param key: Unique identifier for the file in the deposit. :param version_id: File version. Optional. If no version is provided, the last version is retrieved. :returns: the file content. """ try: obj = record.files[str(key)].get_version(version_id=version_id) return self.make_response( obj=obj or abort(404), pid=pid, record=record) except KeyError: abort(404)
@require_api_auth() @require_oauth_scopes( @pass_record @need_record_permission('update_permission_factory')
[docs] def put(self, pid, record, key): """Handle the file rename through the PUT deposit file. Permission required: `update_permission_factory`. :param pid: Pid object (from url). :param record: Record object resolved from the pid. :param key: Unique identifier for the file in the deposit. """ try: data = json.loads('utf-8')) new_key = data['filename'] except KeyError: raise WrongFile() new_key_secure = secure_filename(new_key) if not new_key_secure or new_key != new_key_secure: raise WrongFile() try: obj = record.files.rename(str(key), new_key_secure) except KeyError: abort(404) record.commit() db.session.commit() return self.make_response(obj=obj, pid=pid, record=record)
@require_api_auth() @require_oauth_scopes( @pass_record @need_record_permission('update_permission_factory')
[docs] def delete(self, pid, record, key): """Handle DELETE deposit file. Permission required: `update_permission_factory`. :param pid: Pid object (from url). :param record: Record object resolved from the pid. :param key: Unique identifier for the file in the deposit. """ try: del record.files[str(key)] record.commit() db.session.commit() return make_response('', 204) except KeyError: abort(404, 'The specified object does not exist or has already ' 'been deleted.')