Source code for invenio_deposit.ext

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
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"""Module for depositing record metadata and uploading files."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from collections import defaultdict

from invenio_records_rest import utils
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property

from . import config
from .receivers import index_deposit_after_publish
from .signals import post_action
from .views import rest, ui

class _DepositState(object):
    """Deposit state."""

    def __init__(self, app):
        """Initialize state.""" = app

    def jsonschemas(self):
        """Load deposit JSON schemas."""
        _jsonschemas = {
            k: v['jsonschema']
            for k, v in['DEPOSIT_RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS'].items()
            if 'jsonschema' in v
        return defaultdict(
            lambda:['DEPOSIT_DEFAULT_JSONSCHEMA'], _jsonschemas

    def schemaforms(self):
        """Load deposit schema forms."""
        _schemaforms = {
            k: v['schemaform']
            for k, v in['DEPOSIT_RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS'].items()
            if 'schemaform' in v
        return defaultdict(
            lambda:['DEPOSIT_DEFAULT_SCHEMAFORM'], _schemaforms

[docs]class InvenioDeposit(object): """Invenio-Deposit extension.""" def __init__(self, app=None): """Extension initialization.""" if app: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """Flask application initialization. Initialize the UI endpoints. Connect all signals if `DEPOSIT_REGISTER_SIGNALS` is ``True``. :param app: An instance of :class:`flask.Flask`. """ self.init_config(app) app.register_blueprint(ui.create_blueprint( app.config['DEPOSIT_RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS'] )) app.extensions['invenio-deposit'] = _DepositState(app) if app.config['DEPOSIT_REGISTER_SIGNALS']: post_action.connect(index_deposit_after_publish, sender=app, weak=False)
[docs] def init_config(self, app): """Initialize configuration. :param app: An instance of :class:`flask.Flask`. """ app.config.setdefault( 'DEPOSIT_BASE_TEMPLATE', app.config.get('BASE_TEMPLATE', 'invenio_deposit/base.html')) for k in dir(config): if k.startswith('DEPOSIT_'): app.config.setdefault(k, getattr(config, k))
[docs]class InvenioDepositREST(object): """Invenio-Deposit REST extension.""" def __init__(self, app=None): """Extension initialization. :param app: An instance of :class:`flask.Flask`. """ if app: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """Flask application initialization. Initialize the REST endpoints. Connect all signals if `DEPOSIT_REGISTER_SIGNALS` is True. :param app: An instance of :class:`flask.Flask`. """ self.init_config(app) blueprint = rest.create_blueprint( app.config['DEPOSIT_REST_ENDPOINTS'] ) # FIXME: This is a temporary fix. This means that # invenio-records-rest's endpoint_prefixes cannot be used before # the first request or in other processes, ex: Celery tasks. @app.before_first_request def extend_default_endpoint_prefixes(): """Extend redirects between PID types.""" endpoint_prefixes = utils.build_default_endpoint_prefixes( dict(app.config['DEPOSIT_REST_ENDPOINTS']) ) current_records_rest = app.extensions['invenio-records-rest'] overlap = set(endpoint_prefixes.keys()) & set( current_records_rest.default_endpoint_prefixes ) if overlap: raise RuntimeError( 'Deposit wants to override endpoint prefixes {0}.'.format( ', '.join(overlap) ) ) current_records_rest.default_endpoint_prefixes.update( endpoint_prefixes ) app.register_blueprint(blueprint) app.extensions['invenio-deposit-rest'] = _DepositState(app) if app.config['DEPOSIT_REGISTER_SIGNALS']: post_action.connect(index_deposit_after_publish, sender=app, weak=False)
[docs] def init_config(self, app): """Initialize configuration. :param app: An instance of :class:`flask.Flask`. """ for k in dir(config): if k.startswith('DEPOSIT_'): app.config.setdefault(k, getattr(config, k))